Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Light at the End of the Tunnel....My Version

I'll be honest.  Sometimes, my favorite sight at the end of a long hike is the glimpse of silver at the end of the trail.  Do you see it?  That's my car, which means that we're back at the trail head.  My car.... *whew* .... it signifies so much after a long, hot hike: the relief of taking off heavy boots and putting on sandals, the promise of air conditioning on a comfortable ride home, and rest.

Today, I glimpsed this beautiful sight after 8 1/2 miles on the trail.  It was an elevation gain of about 1,000 feet, mostly on the way back.  We hiked the 8 1/2 miles in 3 1/2 hours, so our hiking stamina is definitely increasing.

Today, my favorite steps on the trail were these last 6 up the stairs and back to the car.

Oh yeah - it was a great hike.  We hiked to Station Cove Falls, which Jenny and I hiked to Wednesday...only Wednesday, Jenny and I hiked from Oconee Station for a pretty level mile.  Today we hiked it from Oconee State Park on a 4 mile one way trail....down to see the falls, then back up to the trail head.  

1 comment:

  1. Very cool version of your light at the end of the tunnel. Great analogy of what your car represents for you! Interesting too!


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